Hi I'm Lynne, I do a lot of freelance and short story writing.
I work primarily in furry & and adjacent spaces, but I do have some more general audience work in progress. The vast majority of my work is Young Adult age appropriate, and fully adult content from is is vanishingly rare. If I do release some, it will be marked as such. I've been known to touch on social issues through science fiction, as well as writing solid fantasy/magic and transformation work in my own fictional mini-universes.
Several of my works also exist in the Post-Self universe, the origin work of which is by Madison Scott-Clary and is available at https://makyo.ink and if you like my work I guarantee you will enjoy hers as well.
I do hope to see proper ink-and-paper publishing someday, but until such time as the big novel is ready for pitching or self publishing I will be releasing larger purchasable works here as well as my free & pay what you want short stories on Cohost.